Bundaberg Airport Terminal

Bunderburg Airport Roof Construction
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Bundaberg Regional Council

Bundaberg Airport Terminal, Stage 2

Bundaberg Qld


Sanders Turner Ellick Architects

Bundaberg Regional Council

Bundaberg Airport Terminal, Stage 2

Bundaberg Qld


Sanders Turner Ellick Architects

Project Overview

During the upgrade of the airport terminal, Architect Steve Turner wanted to emulate the gently curving roof of the existing building, while avoiding the expense and visual clutter of the external overhead cables and columns used on Stage I.

Spantech was selected to design and install the structural steel and roof for the three new pavilions – a check in building, departure lounge and baggage reclaim.

Spantech achieved the look and feel the architect was seeking by utilising the Spantech 300 Series panel and featured curved beams.

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