Ground to Ground Buildings

Frameless Ground to Ground Buildings

Spantech’s Ground-to-Ground buildings are a very economical frameless structure.

Ground to Ground Buildings
WWII Secret Base, Charleville QLD is a free span ground to ground building constructed with the Spantech Pinkenba 370 profile


While they appear similar to the famous WWII style Nissen Hut or Quonset Hut, Spantech’s modern take on this style of building has no internal support frame and no columns.

Curved panels are fixed directly to concrete side footings to form the main arch of the building.

Spantech constructs the vertical end walls with straight panels.  The end wall is frameless, with mullions only required around penetrations.  The end wall panels are fixed at the base to the footing and at the top to the curved panels.  This connection is made strong and watertight with a simple cold-rolled end-ring flashing.

Industry Sectors

Customers commonly use Spantech ground to ground buildings for on-farm grain storagepotato storage and some types of sports facilities. Projects also include Community projects such as the recently completed WWII Secret Base, Charleville and the Queensland Air Museum, Caloundra.

Grain Storage

Spantech’s on-farm grain storage buildings are typically constructed using the Spantech Woomera 300 profile.  The width of the building is 21 metres wide with the length adjusted to suit the required storage capacity.

The structure is so strong that grain or other bulk materials can be stacked up to 2 metres high against the side walls dramatically expanding the total storage capacity of the building. Existing customers have constructed Spantech buildings to store a percentage of their harvest for later sale to direct clients, or to hold and wait for improving market prices.

Other clients use the buildings at mills, feed lots and piggeries. Spantech horizontal silos are more economical and more versatile than vertical storage.

When not storing grain in their sheds, Spantech customers store harvesting equipment and other expensive machinery in the buildings to minimise maintenance and extend the life of the equipment.


See sample ground-to-ground buildings in recent Agricultural Projects.

Select Your Profile

 Use the table below to help you find the right profile. Spantech Ground-to-Ground buildings are constructed with one of two unique profiles:

Application Woomera 300 Pinkenba 370
Ground to ground frameless buildings
Frameless end walls
Earth Covered Buildings (ECB)
* Applications are subject to engineering design and approval and minimum quantities may apply

Design Assistance

Spantech can help you to select the right profile or product for your project.
Our friendly Spantech team offers comprehensive design assistance to Architects and Engineers.

Other Wide Span Roofing Applications

Spantech profiles were originally developed for roofing.  But the strength and versatility of these unique profiles makes them cost effective and suitable for a wide range of applications.

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